Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's ok to be Gay!

'"Let me tell you a funny story" she began. Seemed innocent enough....

I sat there at the 'family bbq' dedicated not to the purpose of getting the family together but instead (admittedly by my mother-in-law) as a way to 'get the babies together' (who are both under 8 months old and could care less about anything other then shitting and sleeping). I sat there and listened carefully to the 'funny story' about how this woman's 8 year old is doing the funniest and cutest thing these days...he is not kissing his step-father goodnight anymore because he says 'that's Gay!'.


I have held my tongue long enough at these ridiculous moments that I am forced to endure. Usually I would simply do the always popular fake laugh and then change the subject, but not this time. No, this time I was tired of the homophobic and racist comments that are so easily used, and used all too often I might add (if not every time), as humorous anecdotes by these people. I didn't attack, but instead simply said "You should have told him it's okay to be Gay!"

The entire backyard went silent.

Poor Kevin feeling the discomfort of the crowd chimed in with "Um, yeah, you know, cause gay means happy!" To which I simply said "yes it does, and it also means homosexual - and it is okay to be a homosexual, in fact it's great."

My mother-in-law may now start reconsidering whether getting the babies together is worth me coming along!

In fact, I'm tempted to throw the image below on a t-shirt and wear it to the next "family bbq". Uncomfortable much?


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